Oh... my... gosh... I can't believe I managed to survive for so many days without depending on the Internet!
The sign in the picture above was found in a quiet little town. It says:
Religious Activity, Funeral Wake/Rite is not allowed in this concourse. Offender could be fined up to $5,000/-.
That sign could've looked pretty strange to many tourists. But I was recently made to go through even weirder things. And once again, it's about my terrible encounter with the college employees from the education institution where I got my postgraduate qualifications from...
This blog shall, for the time being, serve as a channel to "warn" the public of this education institution's horrendous customer service. It's identity shall be revealed soon (not today, unfortunately)...
The most recent email I received from this hopeless college was that of all my certificates finally available for collection. So, my reply to them was this:
Dear Ms. PQR,
Is it possible to have my certificate couriered to my home? I don't think I owe "this college" any money anymore and still has my student deposit under my college student account (probably can be deducted for the courier fee). I am currently not in Malaysia.
And then came this very educated and astounding reply:
Dear j,
As for the library deposit, you have to come to "the college" library to do the refund. As for the cert, we will normally send by registered post for free. If you want courier then you will have to charge you for that. Please let me know your decision.
I hate it when customer names are addressed in small caps (eg: Dear jack, Dear janice) when it comes to formal correspondences. I hate looking at careless grammatical errors too. Sorry, can't help picking on those employees' minor mistakes now.
With that, I immediately launched an online tirade against this college since based on my work experience, college students who throw tantrums tend to get what they want much faster than anyone else:
Dear Ms. PQR,
I'm not able to check how many certs I have not collected as I won't be at home for the time being. Hope "the college" has a record of that though. But what's most important now would be the Masters cert and complete transcript.
I would prefer to have the certs sent by courier though but if this is really not possible due to "the college's" rules and regulations, then yes, go ahead and send by registered mail. I can't understand why the courier amount can't be deducted from my student deposit. "This college" can keep my deposit for all I care- it's an amount that could be more than sufficient to send me lots of documents by courier a few times. It won't be feasible for me to go back to "this college" to personally collect my deposit by now anyway. (Flight tickets, darling)
Sorry to sound so cynical. My experience with "this college" has gone completely downhill after a few very bad encounters with certain other administrative staff for very strange disciplinary reasons.
Good day.
And the certs were immediately sent out by courier the next day itself. However, the chances of me ever getting the opportunity to collect my student deposit now is completely nil. ZERO! ZILCH! NADA! This supposedly high-class college has never heard of mailing out deposits to former students through the usage of bank drafts or cheques. Strange...
After I was informed about my certs already been sent out to me, I thanked the lady as such:
Thanks, Ms. PQR. Send my regards to Tan Sri XXX. He really likes to ridicule students/customers, doesn't he?
Good day.
Ms. PQR got a bit curious about what "Tan Sri XXX" had done to me, so she asked. I thus replied:
You really want to know what happened? XXX's the dog that sits at the entrance to guard the whole college building, right? That was where the Administration Office used to be, right?
This is a true story (mid February 2009, I have the exact date and time written somewhere else). Otherwise, how the hell would I have known who Sick XXX is?
Being a part-time postgrad student, I rarely go to "this college". Even when I go to "this college", I'm usually in a daze due to work stress. One fine day, I realized that the Administration Office was no longer located where it used to be. And I had actually gone to "this college" that day to renew my expired student ID card.
All I did was ask for directions to where the Administration Office had been relocated but XXX ridiculed me for wearing jeans into the building. There's always a more polite way to talk to postgrad students, right? I really didn't know I shouldn't walk in wearing jeans because I was only supposed to be at "this college" for about 15 minutes (but I wasted more than 15 minutes listening to XXX ridiculing me and my clothes) and XXX chased me out from his office and told the guard to give me a VISITOR PASS and take my driving license eventhough I told him all I wanted was proper directions to the Administration Office to RENEW my student ID card. He even told me NOT to enter the building to look for my dissertation supervisor and rather call my supervisor to walk downstairs to talk to me. I DIDN'T PAY "THIS COLLEGE" SO MUCH MONEY TO BE ILL-TREATED THAT WAY!
I believe XXX is one of "this college's" more senior staff and he has smartly manouevred his way around in this organization, hence his amazing ability to say and do whatever he likes to anyone, right? So, I don't think there's anything that can be done about this no matter how much I complain because XXX has connections to the top-level people, right? I'm assuming it to be that way, otherwise he wouldn't have survived in "this college" for so many years.
XXX talks as though he's a woman going through menopause. Other possible explanations for his strange behaviour would be that of a VERY BAD childhood or that his wife keeps kicking him out from the bedroom.
Rest assured, I shall NEVER recommend "this college" to anyone after this. I've never had anything nice to say about "this college" ever since that very, very bad encounter with Bigshot XXX. Yes, F*CK "this college" (I'm VERY ANGRY and I very rarely swear).
Happy Chinese New Year. You're still one of the less psychotic people at "this college" ;)
Would you like to know who XXX is, complete with pictures? Would you like to know which college I'm referring to? The names shall be revealed soon...
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holidays!
*No, XXX does not have a "Tan Sri" title. But he does behave as though he has one. He's only a mid-level manager.
Wah! you have so much anger in you against this man,err!i didn't know that no jeans allowed in college.
Anyway cool it and have a Happy CNY!
Aiyoh, of course angry lah. Spend RM40,000 just to have someone verbally whack you upside down- any sane person would've gone to extremes to have this big bully brought to justice!
Only this so-called 1st-class college would come up with such strange "No Jeans" policy, which no one POLITELY told me about.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
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