Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lost in Translation

Google Translate is the coolest thing ever to be created...

I now don't have to ask anyone to help me translate foreign words...

Sort of...

Google Translation (not a made-up scenario):

Line 1 - CHU Y! = ATTENTION!
Line 2 - Khong treo, dam chan = Not hanging dam chan (Huh???)
Line 3 - len ghe ngoi cua bon cau = len toilet seat (Whaaattt???)

Overall translation: ATTENTION! Not hanging dam chan len toilet seat

A combination of Lines 2 & 3 came up with this alternative translation:
Not suspended, dam foot on toilet seat

Google Translation:

Line 1 - Cap le loi = (no translation available)
Line 2 - Do chinh = The main
Line 3 - Cam vao = Commitment to
Line 4 - Dien ap cao = High voltage
Line 5 - Nguy hiem = Dangerous
Line 6 - Chet nguoi = Deadly

Overall translation (lines 3-6): Commitment to high voltage dangerous deadly.

At least the translation for the second picture seems somewhat less ambiguous. Oh well...

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