Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lovely Signs, Lovely People

You sometimes encounter really strange things while travelling...

The paper on the bottom right corner of the picture above says "TIP- YOU CHEAP B@$T@RD!!!"


Those are the kinds of things found outside Malaysia. And if found to exist anywhere in Malaysia, might cause a major human uproar comparable to that of the eruption of Krakatoa back in 1883...

In Malaysia, we’re not exactly left out in terms of coming up with interesting signs and notices either…

"The Lifesaver in the Boot of Your Vehicle Safety No One". Sounds scary. They're selling something called "Active Cone", those bright orange cones you see on the roads each time there's roadwork going on. Made in Malaysia.

Here are a few other Malaysian-made stuff:

There is many telented peoples in the Malaysia. So they is organize a contest to find new telent such as actor, model, singer.

As long as you can still understand what's going on here, it's still OK lah...

Beware of your property from Stolen.

There's a lecherous cross-eyed male elf by the name of Stolen who suddenly appears in female toilets to try to give away his wallet and trousers while grinning away sinisterly, growling, "Arrr... Am...".

Lame. Too lame.

Correction: Be careful of your property from BEING stolen / Beware of thieves / Beware of snatch-thieves/ Beware of Mat Rempit/ Beware of everything. Sorry, I got carried away.

Peanet Butter, anyone?

Didn't anyone notice the sign was created with a confusing mix of two different languages? When TV3 came up with the tagline "Sure Heboh", someone complained about it and the catchy tagline was later changed to "Jom Heboh". The sign above should be replaced with a new one where the words "Peanet Butter" have been replaced with that of "Mentega Kacang", its somewhat direct translation, thus standardizing the language usage of the advertizement above.

What kinds of people actually come up with such notices? Not those similarly disturbed ones depicted in the pictures below, hopefully…

Here's one of your chubby, friendly supermarket security guards who happily shoves his way into the queue, right in front of you, to pay for his little bun of the day. I didn't want to know if this dingbat's rifle slung over his shoulder was loaded or not, so I just kept quiet. Seriously, how do these kinds of mentally-deranged people get hired into the security business?

Aauugghh!! Stupid slow shutter speed of camera phone!!

Here's a distorted picture of two soldier boys who like to go around disturbing girls at car parks. Should the country ever go into war, just remember to protect your wives and daughters from these people first. Geez, go screw a moldy dead tree trunk in the woods or something equally moldy dead, you jerks. Or have you already done that before?

At the Gardens shopping mall. Where did Mickey go? What's going on?! Who put up this mannequin display at the children's section? Why's the boy mannequin's right hand so awkwardly placed between Minnie's twisted-looking legs? What were those shop assistants thinking??

This is the children's toys section, not adult toys section!!!

I love this country... *sob*

*All photos taken from JG's personal collection.


Kelvin said...

i once saw a sign in pvrt property, " trespasses will be shot, those who is alive will be shot again"
I thought its a prank but this turns out to be a standard sign for them.

j_yenn said...

very friendly people. i should get a sign like that too :)

yinkoon said...

it does have a bad impression though... i had a time when i enter a house with the outside having "beware the dog with a rottweiler sign with its two big pair of front canine"...

but a chi hua hua came out from the door barking away... maybe it was a decoy... the big dog is somewhere behind the bush or jump down from the balcony...


j_yenn said...

haha. humans are good at deception, aren't they? :P