Anyway, Hannah Montana's most regularly used phrases are "Say what?" (i.e.: Huh?) and "Sweet nibblets!" (i.e.: Oh my goodness!).
In real life, Hannah Montana is known as Miley Cyrus. She is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus who coincidentally also acts as Hannah Montana's father in the Hannah Montana series.
Miley Cyrus is such a great role model to the little kids of the world. Had I been a clumsy, silly nine-year-old, I would've bought lots of Hannah Montana products and lived life the Hannah Montana way.
Go, Hannah!
Go check out those Hannah Montana products. They come in all shapes and sizes. Very creative. I kid you not.
Miley Cyrus is the best. When I grow up, I wanna be like Miley Cyrus! Yayyy..... !!! ....... !!!
Happy 17th birthday, Miley Cyrus! You're the best!!!

Sweet nibblets. Go find yourselves a new role model, kids.
geeee...Rhea loves her
shall have a long chat with her when i see her
I'm not doing Ms. Cyrus any justice here, am I?
If ever Rhea dresses up like tht last pic ........................................................................................ her Dad will come crashing down on her like 10 trucks...
I heard Miley just got a new tattoo below her left *cough* chest. The tattoo says "Just Breathe".
After that, no more 10 trucks. Maybe a fleet of army vehicles.....
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