Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I find Malaysian news somewhat boring. Only unwanted natural disasters somehow make the local news slightly more different than the usual uneventful thingamajig we usually read or hear about.

Sometimes, things get just a bit more interesting… And I just have to include this person in my blog for future references…

Meet Wook Kundor, a hot-blooded 107-year-old currently on her quest to look for Husband No. 23... and some assemblyman is gonna help her set up a Facebook account for project “Hubby #23”.

I tried searching for Wook on Facebook (No, I won't add her as a friend) but only found that it was someone from Turkey who had set up some kind of “Wook Kundor Facebook group” under the category of “Just For Fun- Totally Pointless”, and that “There are no admins left in this group!

This woman’s famous, I tell you. People around the world are talking about her here, here and here, and here, and God-knows-where-else.

Closer, closer… mwaaahhh! (picture source)

A 107-year-old Malaysian woman says she's ready to marry for the 23rd time because she fears her current drug addict husband might leave her for a younger woman. (Source)

Go for it, woman. Show that wimp you're no doormat!

Look at that woman coolly showing off her crisp Ringgit bills, just like that rapper, 50 Cent.

Woman, you’re never gonna be able to get yourself a decent guy if you keep flashing your money around like that…

What I think Wook should do is find someone who could actually look after her for once. Why settle for all those low-lives doing jail-time or voluntary drug rehab? Voluntary, you hear that…

Seriously, woman... Don’t even think about going for such a guy.

Certain people from the UK even commented: “Go for it, Wook!”, “You go, girl!” and “Well, as Joan Collins said about her much younger husband, ’If he dies, he dies’. Good luck to her!!!

Feeling forlorn and lonely? Write a book about your life and your romances! Go for book-signing sessions! Appear on Oprah!

She moves on pretty fast… one wimp after another…

Woman, haven’t you ever really, really thought you actually liked someone to the extent where you couldn’t even get on with your life anymore just like Romeo and Juliet?

Maybe the secret to long life is to move from one wimp to another… very quickly…

Here’s a video for Wook:

Here's a better version of the video-clip.


yc said...

for "future references"?

j_yenn said...

kenapa? tak boleh kah?

kerbaurider said...

nice post.

j_yenn said...

@ kerbaurider: really? u like the old lady or the video?? *kidding*