With Facebook, it's so easy to just type out any greeting/message that's accessible to everyone from your list of friends...
So much easier than snail-mailing and emailing...
Through Facebook, my childhood friend could easily wish everyone "Selamat Hari Raya" and at the same time tell everyone that she's not been feeling well recently... Get well soon, friend (by tomorrow, if possible). I'm looking forward to your mum's fabulous "nasi kerabu". Luv ya :P
Through Facebook, this other dear friend of mine could wish everyone "Selamat Hari Raya" and also invite everyone (EVERYONE) in her Facebook list of friends to visit her this Sunday. She's always been the more active one reuniting old friends during the Aidilfitri festivities...
So to those I know, don't know and don't want to know...
Joyce C, this video's for you. Don't swoon just yet...
hapy raya! thanks for the video!
ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)
hey, sj. can't wait for the new Twilight movie ;P
happy holidays.
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